Wow. Ten years ago I founded Next Step, and we have come so far in a short span of time. From humble beginnings in the foothills of Appalachia, we’ve helped thousands of families in communities across the country by creating a path to sustainable, affordable homeownership.
Along the way, our work has evolved. As we take this opportunity to reflect on Next Step’s impact in 2020, it’s impossible isolate our work from the fundamentally transformative events of this past year.

This past year has served as a challenge for America. We’ve faced a global pandemic, an economic crisis, and a reckoning of decades-long mistreatment and abuse of individuals and communities of color. 2020 has tested us, and forced us to confront the roots of what ails our country. However, I believe that this year has also been the start of a new era in America. One where we – collectively – will address our most pressing problems, including housing.
Investment in housing is part of the holistic solution to meeting these challenges. As Next Step looks to the next five years, we’re seeking to not just be reactionary. Rather, we are investing deeply in finding solutions to the root causes that have led us to where we are today, examining our work through a Systems Change lens – addressing the entrenched problems of housing unaffordability and inequity.
We invite you to be a part of our systems change journey.
Our network’s work is impossible without our supporters. Your contribution furthers our mission of putting sustainable homeownership within reach of everyone. We invite you to make a donation to Next Step here.
Let’s come together now and build the foundations for the future of better housing – and make housing work for everyone.