Housing & Community Development

Amidst the ongoing housing crisis, the need to address the diminishing supply of affordable homes in the US is more evident than ever. Next Step is at the forefront of this mission, helping communities harness the affordability and efficiency of manufactured housing to deliver swift solutions. Through strategic partnerships with high-capacity, mission-driven developers, we’re not just addressing the housing crisis; we’re shaping futures by placing families in quality homes faster than ever before. Learn more about our consulting services here.

Next Step Homes

Next Step has a for-profit division called Next Step Homes, which collaborates with
partners to bring ENERGY STAR-certified or Zero Energy Ready Manufactured Homes (ZERMH) to communities across the United States. Next Step Homes focuses on initiatives that promote racial equity in homeownership and prioritizes projects that provide affordable housing options to those who need it the most.

Ready to incorporate manufactured housing into your affordable housing plan? Learn about our consulting services here.

Recent Projects

View more in our Project Portfolio.