Home Financing
- Home Financing
- Our Lending Partners
Home Financing
Next Step partners with lending partners with specialized knowledge and experience in manufactured home financing. These lenders can accommodate a variety of loan options, including VA, USDA, FHA, Freddie Mac CHOICEHome® and Fannie Mae MH Advantage® loans. Each lender provides its own offers and perks, so we highly encourage you to compare a few options to ensure the best deal for your unique situation.
Ready to take the next step? Contact a lender below or read our Factory-Built Home Financing Guide to learn more about financing your new home.
Our Lending Partners
Contact: Andrew Lioi, Sr. Loan Originator
Phone: 240-229-6594
Website: www.cardinalfinancial.com
Email: andrew.lioi@cardinalfinancial.com
Contact: Alex Nunemaker
Phone: 240-204-5610
Website: fitzgeraldfinancial.net
Email: alex.nunemaker@fitzgeraldfinancial.net
Contact: Mark Ebinger
Phone: 301-788-0996
Website: www.markebinger.com
Email: mark.ebinger@guildmortgage.net
Contact: Janel Lawson, Vice President of Single-Family Lending
Phone: 859-228-2119
Website: promlo.com/justchoice
Email address: jlawson@justchoicelending.com
Contact Name: Shane Miller, CEO & Co-Founder
Phone: 864-906-6019
Website: www.newstorylending.com
Email: shane.miller@newstorylending.com
Contact: Frank Brandt
Phone: 714-423-7710
Website: https://www.planethomelending.com/mortgage-loan-officers/texas/irving/frank-brandt/
Email: fbrandt@planethomelending.com
Contact Name: N. Lisa Tyler
Phone: (c) 240-338-1543 | (o) 202-745-4121
Website: www.pncmortgage.com/lisatyler
Email: lisa.tyler@pnc.com